Spinning Mill Logo

Spinning Capacity : 100 Tons/Day

Total Area Size : 650,000 sq. Ft Total Number of Spindles : 110,000 Daily Production Capacity of Spun Yarn : 73,000 kg Daily Production Capacity of Open End : 15,000 kg
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Spinning Mills Gallery

Huge space dedicated to Greenery

A significant portion of approximately 25 percent of the entire allocated area will be dedicated to plantation of trees and vegetation. Research shows that trees and plants are already capturing large amounts of harmful emissions and reduce air pollution by one-third.

Solar Panels

A significant portion of approximately 25 percent of the entire allocated area will be dedicated to plantation of trees and vegetation. Research shows that trees and plants are already capturing large amounts of harmful emissions and reduce air pollution by one-third.

Pond and Water Body

Ponds and water-bodies shall be built along the manufacturing facility which is critical for freshwater biodiversity and are internationally recognized for their role in ecosystem service delivery. Water from this area shall be used as the reserve for Fire Hydrants accordingly, which will further save fresh water from being kept in a separate reservoir


A significant portion of approximately 25 percent of the entire allocated area will be dedicated to plantation of trees and vegetation. Research shows that trees and plants are already capturing large amounts of harmful emissions and reduce air pollution by one-third.

Harvesting and re-using rain-water

The 350,000 sq. ft rooftop rain water harvesting system shall be used for fabric dyeing, washing and other purposes, saving approximately 300 million liters of underground fresh water every year.


All machinery shall be imported from the best companies in Europe with the highest number of energy saving modules, which will complement our overall agenda to save as much energy as possible.

Re-using utility water

Water used daily by all the personnel in our entire manufacturing facility in the wash basin shall be re-used for gardening and vegetation plantation in our green areas. This initiative saves about 5600 liters of water every week.

Re-cycling organic waste

Tons of organic fertilizer shall be produced every week. Leftovers from food of Chaity Group staffs along with kitchen waste from the surrounding area, cotton dust from the spinning mill, cow dung, and other natural ingredients shall be used to make the fertilizers.